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Here is a list of my 5 favorite books from April-June 2017!


The War That Saved My Life

When Ada is born with an imperfect foot, her mother abuses her. She is regarded as useless. WhenWorld War II starts, Ada and Jamie go to another family temporarily to stay safe. They learn the value of friendship and education. After the war is over, does Ada have to go back to the wrath of her abusive mother?




The Selection

When America gets the letter that she was selected to go to the palace with 34 other girls to win Prince Maxon's heart, she decides to leave Aspen and her family at home. Will she ever be the ideal princess that the kingdom of Illea needs? A spin with The Bachelor and Cinderella



The Candymaker

28 kids compete to win make the best candy.When the candymaking contest starts, four special kids enter the contest to have their candy be made and sold. They get to know more about each other and themselves throughout the story. Ignoring their differences, will they ever learn to work together? 



Ask my Mood Ring How I Feel

When Erica Montenegro, a regular eighth-grader, gets hit with a terrible tragedy, she has to take care of her family (including her brainy sister). Watch how Erica does the best out of her situation.




Mr. Lemoncello's Library

"If it's a game, 12-year-old Kyle Keeley loves it. Books, not so much. But when he learns that his hero, eccentric-genius game developer Luigi Lemoncello, has funded an over-the-top, media-rich, interactive library for their hometown, he's thrilled to be one of a dozen kids invited to the grand opening. Things get even more interesting as the party winds down and Mr. Limoncello announces a contest: The kids are locked in, and have to come up with an ESCAPE FROM MR. LEMONCELLO'S LIBRARY. An awesome prize hangs in the balance. The library itself has many clues." an article says from CommonSenseMedia. 



The Selection Book Trailer

I'm busy working on my blog posts.

Watch this space!

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